P.S. 108K Placemat

Vision Statement

The vision of PS 108K is to collaboratively educate each child intellectually, physically, emotionally, and socially, with families as our partners, through high-quality learning opportunities so they graduate with the skills needed to reach their full potential as they develop into our future leaders.

Mission Statement

PS 108K's school community is committed to educating every child by embedding 21st-century learning through a growth mindset, providing a cognitively challenging learning environment so our students are college and career ready. We will accomplish this collaboratively with all stakeholders by utilizing data-driven, shared goals to impact each and every student to ensure equity and wellness for all.

Equity Statement

PS 108K is committed to educational equity where each student will have what they need to succeed, make improvements, believe in themselves, be motivated, feel valued for their diversity and appreciate the diversity in others.

Literacy Vision

Our literacy vision at PS 108K is to create a community of lifelong literate learners who possess a joy for reading, writing, listening, and speaking confidently. We believe that literacy is at the heart of all learning and is fundamental to each student's success.

Math Vision

At PS 108K, we strive to build mathematically proficient students who will cultivate a passion for mathematics while building their conceptual knowledge to persevere and apply mathematical concepts to real-world problems that enables them to think critically and communicate effectively.

Focus Priority

Teachers will create a learner-centered environment and plan opportunities that empower students to engage in productive struggle, self-monitoring, reflecting on their progress and communicating their ideas and needs resulting in students becoming actively engaged in the learning process, assuming responsibility for their own growth and development through the implementation of:
* Differentiation                      * Rubrics/Success Criteria
* Enrichment                            * UDL
* Cultural Relevance              * SDI

Instructional Focus: Student Discussion

Students will engage in peer discussions based on success criteria or rubrics to provide feedback, extend, justify, and elaborate their thinking which will lead to ownership of their learning and improved student work.