Eureka Math Squared
PS 108K will provide all students in grades K-5 with systematic and sequential Mathematics instruction based on the Next Generation Learning Standards, Mathematical Practices, and scientific research, emphasizing a hands-on and problem-solving approach. We will continue utilizing the Eureka Math2 curriculum, which sequences the mathematical progressions into modules. Eureka Math2 was developed specifically to meet the needs of all students, building students' confidence in mathematics and accelerating their progress in their math modules. Teachers will customize lessons without compromising the rigor to meet the diverse needs of their learners.
District 19 Implementation of Eureka Math2
- Teachers’ modeling and explanations communicate a clear understanding of the models and strategies emphasized in Eureka Math
- Data collected during the lessons aligned to the success criteria ( “must do” problem sets, exit tickets )and is used to make informed lesson customizations that maintain fidelity to the lesson objectives and support students’ needs (ie. differentiate the problem set - must do, should do).
- Pacing is maintained, with the understanding that students develop proficiency over time and all components are observable in a lesson.
○ Fluency Practice, Concept Development, Application Problem, and Student Debrief components as indicated in Grades K–5
○ Problem Set, Modeling Cycle, Socratic, and Exploratory Lesson Types as indicated in Grades 6–12
- Student discourse is incorporated throughout lessons, including in the lesson closing or debrief to consolidate understanding with clear language objectives for MLLs.
- Students use models and strategies flexibly to solve problems and build their understanding of mathematics.
- Students use precise mathematical language in verbal and written communication about mathematics and problem-solving.
- Students are challenged through the “must do” & extension problem sets assigned and demonstrate persistence in learning math and solving problems by engaging in independent practice and sharing of process/steps to find a solution.